“Learning and Growing Together in Christ”
As a Catholic School, the intellectual, emotional and spiritual development of all our pupils is underpinned by our Christian values and ethos. As a Christian community we believe that Christ is God revealed to us, which gives special meaning to our concept of human life and dignity. It follows from this that our attitudes towards relationships, beliefs and moral values are based firmly on the Gospel values of Christ. The commitment of pupils, parents and school are summarised in the Home-School Agreement which pupils and parents are invited to sign upon entry to the school.
As a Catholic School we aim to be
“A Christian community which recognises the dignity and value of the individual and in which all members are encouraged to develop their potential in terms of knowledge, understanding, spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness”.
This means that we aim:
- to embrace the gospel values of Jesus Christ in our everyday life and work, where all can experience and grow in faith, hope, love, justice, reconciliation and service;
- to provide an experience of a living, worshipping community;
to challenge and support each individual to fulfil their potential as whole human persons, contributing to their spiritual, academic, physical and emotional development; - to develop individual self-esteem, mutual respect and trust for others, building relationships of the highest quality between pupils, staff, parents and governors;
- to develop a learning community through delivering a broad, balanced, challenging and relevant curriculum, which will prepare for the opportunities and experience of an adult life of service to others;
- to enrich the curriculum by offering opportunities in a wide range of learning experiences and by developing and strengthening links with the wider community;
We ask you to help us in this task, so that together we can provide the best educational opportunities for your son or daughter.
Ethos contact:
Mrs R Lawrence, Head of Religious Education
Headteacher’s Assembly Autumn 1 2023-24
Each half term we promote the Catholic pupil values – the positive characteristics that help us to live our lives well and to be who God expects us to be. Jesus knew what God’s plan was for him and calls us to know the same. This term we promote the virtues: Generous and Grateful.
Headteacher’s Assembly 2023
We started the term reflecting on how we can deepen our Catholic pupil profile characteristics of being intentional and prophetic. I asked everyone in the school community to use this important half term to consider how we can encourage each other and ourselves to be more caring and considerate. We believe this will help us become better friends, better family members and better community citizens; thereby honouring God with our lives.