We are delighted to announce that in September 2023, St. John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School proudly became the first and only after-school Young Archaeologist Club branch in Wales run under the direction of the Council for British Archaeology. With the implementation of the new Welsh curriculum, we are thrilled to offer our students captivating archaeological experiences that nurture their curiosity about the natural world and human history. At our YAC branch, we will be placing a strong emphasis on fostering a spirit of inquiry and discovery. Through engaging activities and projects, we will be challenging our students to explore the fascinating field of archaeology and develop a deep curiosity about the past. By understanding our rich and diverse history from local, Welsh, and global perspectives, our young archaeologists will gain valuable insights into the world’s heritage. Archaeology is a powerful tool for stimulating curiosity and encouraging critical thinking. Our YAC branch will provide students with the opportunity to question and interpret evidence from the past, allowing them to cultivate inquisitive minds that seek knowledge and understanding. We are honoured to be a part of the Young Archaeologist Club, and our mission is to inspire creative thinking and instil a profound appreciation for the humanities. As members of this unique club, our students will embark on an enriching journey of exploration, where they can unlock the mysteries of the past and connect with the stories of ancient civilizations. We feel incredibly privileged to offer this enriching opportunity to our students, to be the first recognised after-school YAC club in Wales and one of only five in the UK, and we look forward to witnessing their growth as enquiring young minds in the captivating world of archaeology

Julia C Roberts

Head of Learning-Year 7, Transition Coordinator, Publicity & Teacher of History 

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