A great end to a week celebrating International languages! We’ve been spoilt by foods around the world in the canteen, quizzes and a staff dress up!

Young Archaeologist Club
We at St John Lloyd Catholic Comprehensive School are thrilled to be the first after-school YAC branch in Wales. With the new Welsh curriculum firmly in place, we are incredibly excited to offer archaeological experiences which allow our students an opportunity to be curious about the natural world and human experiences. Our YAC branch will focus on encouraging enquiry and discovery as well as challenging students to be curious about archaeology. We will enable students to develop an understanding of our diverse history from a local, Welsh and wider world perspective. Archaeology is a powerful tool in challenging our students’ curiosity and to question evidence from the past. Without a doubt, our YAC branch will develop an enquiring mind amongst its members. The branch aims to stimulate creative thinking and challenge students to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts underpinning humanities. We are incredibly privileged and honoured to being a YAC branch.
Wales’ first ever after-school Young Archaeologist Club took place on Monday 18 th September 2023! Club members thoroughly enjoyed investigating the Ogham language and looked at examples from the 6 th century in South-West Wales. As part of their experience, they created their own ogham message and discovered the links between Latin, Irish and the English language.