Miss N Jacob
The ICT Department has a proud history of excellent pupil progress and attainment. Students consistently demonstrate a positive enthusiasm for the subject, and in turn the ICT Department continue to evolve our ICT provision to ensure they are equipped with the latest leading education to meet the ever changing demands of the technological age.
The school has significantly invested into the ICT infrastructure which allows students to enjoy access to the latest hardware and software and are supported by a robust network infrastructure. Each of our specialist ICT suites has been designed to maximise our students learning experience. Learning opportunities continue outside of the classroom through the schools VLE that is populated with a variety of e-learning resources.
Our aims are:
- To provide enjoyment and creative stimulation in a safe environment.
- To help ALL students gain confidence in their own ability and achieve success.
- To enable all students to learn communication and technology based skills through experimentation with different techniques and software.
- To be as dynamic and innovative as the changing world of technology and provide this to our students as soon as we can.