Intentional and prophetic
To be intentional we have to plan our actions and choose to live how God wants us to.
Every action we make has an impact on other people and the world around us. If we live intentionally, we listen to our conscience and deliberately decide that the actions we take will have a positive impact. We use the earth’s resources wisely, think about the choices we make, and care for God’s creation.
To be prophetic we have to spread the word of God through how we live our lives.
As we choose to act intentionally and make good decisions, we encourage others to do the same. We set a good example through our words and deeds and inspire other people to act in a positive and wise way. We help people to make the right decisions themselves and think about how God wants them to live their lives.
Lord Jesus, we thank you for this day.
We offer you all our hopes and struggles, our sorrows and joys. Take all fear from our hearts. Help us to trust you because we know you love us and will always be with us.
Help us to grow together in friendship, so that our words and actions bear witness to you and make a difference in the lives of others.
We pray for those who are hungry, lonely, poor or homeless, our families, and all who have asked for our prayers.
May you bless us with wisdom to care for the earth. May you bless us in love, to care for one another.
In your name may we make all things new.

Voluntary Mass
Weekly mass in the School Chapel at 12.45.Pupils and staff are all welcome to join Fr Martin in the celebration of Mass every Wednesday lunchtime.
Youth SVP
Our Youth SVP group are responsible for organising our annual Christmas hampers, Easter Egg appeal and charity hunger lunches. If you want to know more about what they do and how you can help call in to RE1.
Confirmation group
All pupils interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation please see Mrs Lawrence in RE2